
Indian Defects 409-01

Indian Defects
Watermark does not show up on the actual product.
200.00 CAD each Artist: Shaun Hedican

1 item in stock


photo print
photo print
18 x 24

With poetry by Terri L. Johnson

"Harper represents the new face of the cultural genocide. He is quite small compared to Sitting Bull, a symbol of resistance. A couple other elements are the status card text and pages from a UN document."

  "Indian Defects"

We were segregated
forced down and degraded.
Separated from our parents
"Indians" meant we were different.
So many labels to our tale.
Yet actual accounts were never detailed.
Our traditions ridiculed
Our beautiful long hair and braids shorn.
Our heritage scorned.
Our dignity torn.
Yet this was all history
But we still feel the effects of
the political solutions to our supposed
"indian defects"
Our rights are still in question,
Today we are still being
treated like a bad infection.
This is no longer acceptable.
We are first nations people.
Strong and proud.
we will no longer...Idle no more

Copyright 2013 Terri L Johnson


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